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The Business Solutions Team (BeST) helps 澳博官方网站app employees find the right person for the right job.

就像许多进入职场的年轻人一样, 约书亚·叶(Joshua Yap)希望找到一份适合自己才能和兴趣的工作. But having been diagnosed with Asperger’s as a youngster—and not having much previous work experience—he had little confidence he would be able to find a position that would give him a chance.

Yap also doubted that a company would support him and help him grow because of his disability.

那, 然而, is exactly what he found during his first year working at 澳博官方网站app as a Transaction Specialist on the Business Solutions Team (BeST). This 业务 initiative matches the talents of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with the right tasks—in essence, 为每个员工创造合适的工作.

With the help of a Texas Workforce Commission program for people with disabilities and a nonprofit called 我的可能性, 他有资格做最好的学徒. 起初, 他每周不得不从家里开车两个小时去上班, but once it became clear that his skills and interests were a fit for the role, 他得到了一份固定的工作, 从威奇托福尔斯搬来, 搬到达拉斯-沃斯堡,这样他就能离办公室近一点. 这是他30年来第一次能够独立生活.

“This job has given me the experience of what it feels like to be part of a workforce, 让自己感觉富有成效, 这真的很棒,他说, 注意到他的一些同事有和他类似的残疾.

With a manager who is very helpful and presents information in a systematic way, Yap now  has the confidence that 澳博官方网站app is invested in his success. Employed through 澳博官方网站app’s Commercial Banking division—and aligned to the BeST program through the Office of 残疾包容—he works with colleagues and managers who recognize the value of creating and championing a neurodiverse workforce.


BeST项目包括为期60天的带薪学徒期, 为员工提供持续的支持, 团队和管理者. 成立于2019年,当时只有几名学徒, 该项目目前有数十名活跃的学徒和员工. 我们的目标? To reach 100 employees by 2025 and expand into five additional markets within five years. The program currently works in the 达拉斯-沃斯堡 area, as well as in Chicago, Ill.俄亥俄州哥伦布市和洛杉矶门罗市.

BeST employees work with internal and external job coaches, as well as their managers. Their leaders and peers take part in a virtual or in-person disability etiquette and awareness training to develop the insights and skills they may need to help their employees and colleagues perform and be successful.

“We provide this training to bring awareness to everyone that we are all different: We think, 沟通和处理信息的方式不同,丹妮尔·梅多斯解释道, 谁领导得最好.

两年前, when Glennetta Porterfield started her job as a Receivables Operations manager in 达拉斯-沃斯堡, 她的团队中已经有一个人来自BeST. 现在, 她管理过三名BeST员工,见证了他们的个人成长, 以及他们给公司带来的价值.

“他们扮演的角色至关重要,”她说. “We often talk about how they support us; we wouldn’t be able to meet our clients’ expectations without them. When we set meaningful and attainable goals in our coaching sessions and they flourish—that’s one of the most rewarding experiences to me.”


BeST brings inherent value to the 业务: By taking on some of the more routine tasks, these colleagues are helping their respective 业务 groups become more efficient and satisfied with their own jobs.

波特菲尔德承认:“挑战是存在的. “Initially there can be some apprehension when engaging with others on the team, 以及设定目标,让他们最大限度地发挥自己的潜力. We work on that at their own pace, which gives each person an opportunity to succeed in their job.”

澳博官方网站app第一位神经多样性工作教练, Cody Lunde在整个公司为BeST员工提供支持. 他看到, 第一手, how learning new skills and having the security of a job impacts the lives of these employees—giving them purpose and independence, 还有医疗保险和经济保障. 他还指出,这些好处是如何延伸到他们的同事身上的.

通过他们的个性, they help increase a sense of awareness about neurodiversity for everyone on site,伦德说, describing how the right person in the right job can also address challenges that can come with iterative work. “当我们跳出通常的互动方式时, it forces people to slow down and appreciate the human connections we can make at work.”


Some candidates find jobs at 澳博官方网站app through universities or local organizations, 比如国家非营利组织“从学校到工作的桥梁”, which connects employers with potential employees and helps to manage their transition from apprenticeship to permanent employment.

Through Bridges, 追逐 hired Daniel Cannon to sort and dispose of returned mail with credit cards. 罗伯特Mollard, 达拉斯-沃斯堡大桥集团的负责人, 头几天我和坎农并肩工作, 然后在退居幕后之前,以职业教练的身份保持联系. He continued to check in with both employer and employee during the first year to make sure it was a good fit.

“The job is perfect for Daniel because he thrives on repetition,” Mollard says. “它必须具有良好的商业意义. It’s all about finding out what the employer needs and who has the skills and abilities.”

另一个非营利组织, 我的可能性, helped Bernie Fisch find and transition into a new job after losing the accounts payable position he held for nine years; he lost his job when the publicly traded loyalty and marketing services company where he worked sold the division he supported. At 52, 费什和他的母亲住在家里, 琳达·费斯, 她为蔡斯感到骄傲,就像为她儿子感到骄傲一样.

今天, Fisch works a hybrid schedule—two days a week at the 澳博官方网站app office in Plano, 德州,离家三天. 而公司认为这项工作需要一年多的时间, Fisch在短短6个月的时间里完成了这项工作. 琳达·费斯 has seen her son’s ability to communicate and build relationships develop as he interacts with his growing team through Zoom and in the office.

“It gives Bernie a purpose; he loves doing his tasks completely and thoroughly,” she says. “Bringing people with various challenges into the workforce is better for them, 对公司而言, 对社会和经济都有好处.”


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